About Me

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Hi. Welcome to my "taboo" blog. My name is Steph, and when I first started this, I was still in my thirties. In 2017, I switch decades! I am a Christian, so underlying everything I do and say is the Word of God, and the foundational truths I have learnt over the years. This doesn't mean I'm perfect - I am human. It just means I recognise I need God's help to live this life and try to live out His way, as best I can. So that's me in a nutshell. Thanks for taking the time to read through my blog, I hope you draw strength, hope or encouragement from what you read.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Beautiful Moment Number Two

Hubby and I were driving home after dropping my Gorgeous Stepson home and we had called in to see some other family members, so it was quite late.

After the lovely gift from my Stepson, I was quite emotional anyway, so enjoyed the darkness of the motorway to have a teary moment, thinking Hubby was asleep next to me. He wasn't. He suddenly said, "Look it's raining, God is crying with you."

Then, he did something which was so beautiful. Hubby is from Yorkshire, and renowned for his careful financial ways, and usually hates paying the prices of my favourite Coffee House. There's a service station about five miles away from home, and Hubby asked if I wanted to stop and have a Costa.

He knows how hard the Journey for Bubba is, especially after a weekend with my Stepson, and although he knows he can't do much to take the pain away, he knows how to bless me in such a way to ease the pain a little bit. 

Father God, thank You for the little touches you laid on Hubby's heart to whisper into my heart. I pray that You would support him, as much as you support me. The Journey for Bubba may be different for him, but he still has his own Journey to take by my side. Thank You for the wonderful man You have given to walk with me, and bless him - a lot. In Jesus name.

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